Best Online Survey Jobs
There are so many online survey scams out there that you have to do some research to find the legitimate paying ones. However investing the time to research will help you find some good paying online survey jobs.
The best online survey jobs (in my opinion) are the ones offered by colleges and universities and market research companies. These surveys typically pay money and are legitimate. The best way to get invited to participate in an online survey offered by a college is by either being a student or participating in a focus group. Students at many colleges and universities are invited to participate in online campus surveys. The topics of the surveys range from personal student views to post graduate goals. These type of surveys pay from $10 to $20. It may pay more if the survey involves a lot of time or a more controversial topic.
Participating in a focus group hosted by a college or university is also another good way to get an online survey invitation. When you participate in these focus groups in most instances, you are required to fill out a form that requests your email address. After the focus group is over, the information from the forms are put into a database and categorized by specific parameters. So when it's time to launch an online survey, there's a good chance that online survey invitations will be sent via email to the people in that database.
Market research firms also offer some good online survey jobs. The majority of them will be conducted on behalf of a consumer based company. This might include surveys being conducted on behalf of companies like Starbucks, Kroger, Macy's, Fisher Price or McDonald's. The pay for these surveys can vary based on client needs, targeted goals and budget. However there have been reports of some surveys paying up to $25.
When it comes to finding participants for these surveys, many marketing research firms will use names from a mailing list. These lists often contain the names of customers. For example, you may have filled out a customer satisfaction survey at Starbucks where you included your email address. Or you mailed in a rebate form to Fisher Price, and the information you provided (including your email address) was added to a master list. In many instances this is the list that the marketing research firm uses to invite online survey participants.
There are also some good online survey jobs out there that don't pay a lot of money. However you will get an opportunity to take surveys on a consistent basis. You can find opportunities like these on sites like Survey Spot, Mechanical Turk and Swagbucks.
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