Addicted to Sweets
Many people have a sweets addiction, but most won�t admit it. They won�t admit it because they don�t want anyone to know that they are addicted to foods that are not good for them. Some of these people are slim and look very healthy, so you would never know to look at them that they have a sweets addiction. There are many people who are addicted to desserts like brownies, chocolate chip cookies and strawberry shortcake. Some of these people work in office buildings that have numerous bakery and candy shops located in the food court. They visit these shops frequently and buy themselves things like candy bars and cookies, which they hope will help them make it through the day. For some, making it through the day means eating a chocolate fudge brownie for breakfast or a slice of cheesecake during their mid-afternoon break. Those who usually do this typically work in very stressful jobs. Instead of doing something healthy to relieve their stress like exercising or drinking water, they eat ...